ComicBooks For Kids! and ComicBooks For Troops would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their contribution and support!
Michael B Spa-fon
Cool comics in my collection
Nicole & Eric Tim
Uncle Pops Chris Mason
Thunder Michael
Norm and Geri The Klems
Wall of Heroes
CB4K Champions
Remembered Heroes
CB4K Champion
Andrew Heilig
CB4K Champion
Greed Corp
Remembered Heroes
The Best of Us
In memory of
Makalya Marie Marsh
In memory of
Tom Stiso
In memory of
Ayden Wayne Brooks
Aaron Greenhouse
Chris Sciamanna
Finn, the Official Mascot of SideKick Supplies
Ryan Scott
In memory of
Michael J. Niemann, III
In memory of Geri Weiss ( mom )
and Norman Weiss (dad) for
inspiration and support
CB4K Champion
To join the wall, please see our DONATE page
Jared T
Super Hero
Ryan Mundaca
Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation
Super Hero
Super Hero
Caroline & Reid
Super Hero
Jon Martin
Super Hero
In memory of Matthew B Cookson
In memory of Andrew Moreno
Friend and Brother
In memory of Cecily Ji-Ah Martinez In memory of Lido Niccolai
Super Hero
Super Hero
Paul Gagliardotto
Super Hero